nextpnr error: timing analysis failed due to presence of combinatorial loops

When switching from ArchnePnR to NextPnR I started to get some weird errors when synthesizing my FPGA projects. The same project was synthesizing apparently fine in arachnePnR, but I guess NextPnR is more picky about some aspect. I guess it’s better anyway, so the more warnings and errors we can get and fix, the more I’ll learn and the better I hope the design would be.

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Generic circuits diagramming tool

Generic circuits diagramming tool

I love to draw diagrams and create visual representations of what I do. I think it’s a great way to understand what you plan to do when designing a complex system, to document it for later, and show what you’ve done. Not only targetting others, but first of all for yourself.

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Migrate your Dropbox folder from ZFS to an ext4 ZVOL

This month, Dropbox has dropped support for non-ext4 filesystems on Linux. On my Linux computer, my Dropbox folder was on a ZFS filesystem… If you want to keep Dropbox syncing, they force you to move back to Ext4… non-sense, but I didn’t find any other alternative. So what I did is create a ZVOL (volume), format it as Ext4 and move my Dropbox content to it.

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From Google Assistant to MQTT

From Google Assistant to MQTT

Here I want to define a custom Google Assistant action, which will recognize a phrase with an argument, for example ok google, make me [a pizza], and send both the action (make) and the argument (a pizza) as a JSON object to an MQTT topic.

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What is a Cellular Automaton?

What is a Cellular Automaton?

This is the first post of a series I am writing about designing and running Cellular Automatons in an FPGA. I’ll end up with several variants, from one lighting up LEDs to another one drawing on a VGA monitor. But first, what is a Cellular Automaton?

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